About Us

Who We Are

Campus Maroc TV is the first channel in Morocco and Africa specialized in university affairs and scientific research. The channel serves as a platform for students and researchers to express their opinions, discuss their ideas, defend their rights, and actively and positively participate in the development of universities and scientific research in Morocco.

For these reasons and more, the emergence of independent media platforms specializing in student movements in Morocco is urgently needed, given the rapid development of information and communication technologies, which characterize the current era, and the need to keep pace with scientific and technical progress (social networks, online channels, etc.). Additionally, the declining role of traditional media, which has been overshadowed by the internet and social networks, necessitates adapting to this development by creating a specialized TV channel (“campusmaroc.tv” online) dedicated to students in Morocco and abroad.

The project to create an online TV channel, “Campusmaroc.tv”, is the first of its kind initiated by a group of students from various Moroccan universities. This project is the result of a deep thought process, requiring extensive time and effort, fueled by years of experience and precise observations within Moroccan universities and their relationship with the broader environment (political, economic, and social, etc.). Hence, the development and realization of this project will be entrusted to a team of media professionals, along with a group of students, researchers, journalists, and a significant number of volunteer students.

The goals of the project can be summarized as follows:

  • The channel will serve as a platform for Moroccan students to freely express their opinions in various fields (900,000 students in Moroccan universities in the 2017/2018 academic year), defend their ideas, interests, and rights, and thus actively and positively participate by influencing public policies, strategies, and political decisions in service of democracy and development in Morocco.

  • Participating in spreading democracy and achieving change in Morocco by discussing all topics that concern and affect national politics and preoccupy public opinion in the country.

  • Exerting pressure on the government and decision-making centers to achieve the goals of the student movement in Morocco, which represents the demands of the Moroccan people for freedom, social, and economic justice, and reducing class disparities among the various segments of the population.

  • Enabling students and researchers in Moroccan universities and higher education institutions to connect with their peers in other universities worldwide through a specialized TV channel and an active social media network. This will allow them to establish partnerships and bridge the gap between Moroccan students and those from other countries, and contribute to promoting a culture of peace, tolerance, and respect for others (their religions, traditions, beliefs, etc.) and their right to live together without fear, while rejecting racist, violent, and extremist behaviors.

  • Increasing knowledge of all issues affecting Moroccan universities with all stakeholders at both the national and international levels, and promoting the perspectives of all active parties in the development of Moroccan universities.

  • Developing distance education and contributing to improving the academic level of Moroccan students, keeping them updated with the latest developments in scientific research across all fields and levels.

  • Contributing to highlighting the various academic programs in Moroccan universities on a national level, promoting them and their future prospects in the job market.

1- The Technical and Programming Strategy of the Channel

Before implementing the strategy that we will follow for the channel, we must establish a plan to guide our progress in achieving this strategy and its set goals, as without it, we will not find the path to success.

As a first step to ensure the channel’s debut in a dignified manner, we will rely on a plan that guarantees us high-quality images, programs that meet expectations, and live broadcasts that cater to the needs of students specifically, and Moroccan viewers in general, who will be the primary target. We will make sure they recognize the professionalism of the channel in the following aspects:

1-1 Image Quality

The channel’s reliance on high-quality broadcasting is crucial for judging its future potential. Therefore, our first plan is to establish a strategy that uses modern cameras and equipment, enabling us to offer Moroccan viewers a channel with high-quality broadcasts that provide comfort while watching our programs.

2-1 Program Schedule

The program schedule has been planned for the “www.campusmaroc.tv” website on a one-day basis, throughout the week, all year round.

These programs will be broadcast live on our website campusmaroc.tv and rebroadcast on the channel’s YouTube page.

The “campusmaroctv” program schedule and its planning are key elements in our strategy to increase its audience among students.

Therefore, it has been divided as follows:

Morning Period

Between 6:00 AM and 9:00 AM

Post-University Work Period

Between 5:00 PM and 6:00 PM

First Evening Period

From 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM

Second and Third Evening Periods

From 8:00 PM to 10:00 PM
and from 10:00 PM to midnight

This period sees the highest viewership, with scheduled talk shows broadcast on the channel and YouTube, hosted by students discussing various intellectual, political, economic, and social issues.

Post-Midnight Period

From midnight to 6:00 AM

Rebroadcasts of programs that were aired live on the channel are scheduled during this time.

3-1 Media Coverage of University Activities

“Campusmaroc.TV,” an online television channel, will cover major academic and student activities aimed at promoting the Moroccan university’s openness to the world and allowing students to freely express themselves on issues affecting them and the future of democracy and freedom in Morocco. During its trial broadcast period, the channel successfully covered various student and academic activities, either live or through media coverage of different events within Moroccan universities, and significant occurrences that marked the 2015/2016 academic year.

4-1 Proposed Programs by the Moroccan University Channel

The Moroccan University Channel proposes a range of live programs directly relevant to students and their social and economic environment, aiming to provide a platform for students to express their opinions and perspectives on various societal issues in Morocco. This will enable them to voice their concerns to all segments of Moroccan society, helping to unify perspectives on the future of democracy, freedom, social justice, and the rule of law in Morocco.

  • Analytical Talk Shows

Through these programs, we aim to discuss all intellectual, political, religious, economic, and social fields, especially the reality of Moroccan universities and the role of students in achieving the desired change. This discussion is crucial for understanding the real context of the issues addressed, and it will be essential to provide students, researchers, and experts in the field with an opportunity to enrich the discussion further. The success of our analytical programs depends on the competence and experience of the analysts, the level of discussion, and the nature of the topics covered.

  • Viewer Programs:

Just as with the analytical programs, it is important to give viewers a chance to interact with the channel. Therefore, the channel has scheduled a significant portion of its programs to address issues from the viewers’ perspectives. It is essential for viewers to feel they are part of the channel, even though it is dedicated to Moroccan universities, as their role in its development is similar to that of the channel’s staff. Viewers have their own opinions, which may differ from the channel’s stance. By giving them a chance to speak and express their views openly, we can better understand their perspectives. Viewer programs are crucial for completing the success of the channel.

  • News Bulletins:

The news bulletins of the Moroccan University Channel will cover major national events, particularly those related to Moroccan universities and higher education, and their impact on future generations. Thus, news bulletins will be a prominent feature of the channel.

2- Funding the Channel in the Medium and Long Term

After the trial broadcast period, during which the channel’s management covered all costs including equipment rental, temporary premises, staff salaries, and other variable expenses, the management confirmed that the project’s success during the trial phase, especially among students across Moroccan universities, requires substantial investment for medium-term sustainability. This investment will provide the necessary resources and means for a strong and organized start and ensure administrative stability and financial balance, particularly in the first two years. Therefore, seeking direct funding from international organizations that support similar projects is essential.

3- Channel Partnerships

During its trial phase, the channel established notable relationships and quality partnerships with various student groups (whether Islamic, leftist, or other student movements) in Moroccan universities, including those not legally recognized (such as the General Union of Moroccan Students, the main representative of students in Morocco). These groups viewed the channel as an excellent opportunity to discuss their ideas, communicate with different social groups, and present their visions for Morocco’s future—a Morocco characterized by democracy, freedom, and social justice. The channel is also seen as an opportunity to expose negative practices affecting Moroccan universities and impacting Moroccan society at large.

The channel’s management has also worked to establish cooperation frameworks with various colleges and universities in Morocco, both with student councils (BDE) and university administrations, to cover their student activities and provide students with a space to communicate and express their opinions freely. Notable institutions include:

  • Hassan II University in Casablanca

  • Qadi Ayyad University in Marrakech

  • Mohammed V University in Rabat

  • Moulay Ismail University in Meknes

  • Moulay Slimane University in Beni Mellal

  • Abdelmalek Essaadi University in Tangier

  • Chouaib Doukkali University in El Jadida

  • Ibn Zohr University in Agadir

  • Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdellah University in Fez

  • Al Quaraouiyine University in Fez

  • Ibn Tofail University in Kenitra

  • Hassan I University in Settat

  • Mohammed I University in Oujda

  • International University in Rabat

  • International University in Casablanca

  • International University in Agadir

The channel also aims to develop relationships with all institutions sharing similar ideas, goals, and programs.

4- The Legal Framework for the Channel’s Operation

After a year of operating under the trial broadcast framework, and to avoid any obstacles that may negatively impact the channel’s work in the medium term, and to establish a legal framework protecting the channel’s staff from any harassment that might hinder their work, especially given the significant legal void affecting online TV channels in Morocco, the channel’s management agreed to establish a non-profit, independent organization named “CAMPUS MAROC” to host the channel’s project. This organization will form the channel’s board of directors, managing the channel’s affairs legally before all national and international authorities cooperating with the Moroccan University Channel.