who are we

who are we

قناة الجامعة المغربية Campus Maroc Tv أول قناة بالمغرب و افريقيا متخصصة في شؤون الجامعة و البحث العلمي . تلعب القناة دور منصة للطلبة و الباحثين للتعبير عن ارائهم و مناقشه أفكارهم و الدفاع عن حقوقهم و المشاركة بفعالية وإيجابية في تطوير الجامعة و البحث العلمي بالمغرب.

For these and other reasons, the emergence of independent specialized media as a free platform for students and student movements in Morocco is an urgent necessity, given the rapid development of information and communication technology, which characterizes the current era and the need to follow the scientific and technical rhythm, especially (social networks - online channels ...) and because of The role of traditional media, which cast its shadow on the Internet and social networks, has diminished. Therefore, it was necessary to work to adapt to the development taking place through the creation of a television channel (“campusmaroc.tv” on the Internet) dedicated to students in Morocco and abroad.

The project to set up a television channel on the Internet “Campusmaroc.tv” for the first time by a group of students belonging to a number of Moroccan universities is the fruit of a series of deep thinking that required a long time of work that came with many years of experience and careful observations within the Moroccan University and its relationship With the environment (political, economic and social ...). Thus, developing this project and bringing it into existence will be entrusted to a team of specialists in the media field, as well as a group of students, researchers and journalists, in addition to a significant number of volunteer students.

The project objectives can be summarized in the following points:

  • For the channel to play the role of a platform for Moroccan students to freely express their views in various fields (900,000 students who study in Moroccan universities for the 2017-2018 season) and to defend their ideas, interests and rights, and thus participate in an effective and positive way of influencing public policies, strategies and political decisions in the service of Democracy and development in Morocco.

  • Participating in spreading democracy and achieving change in Morocco by discussing all issues that concern and influence national politics and concern the national public opinion.

  • Exercising pressure on the government and decision centers in order to achieve the goals of the student movement in Morocco, which expresses the demands of the Moroccan people for freedom, social and economic justice, and the reduction of class differences between the various popular groups.

  • Enabling students and researchers in universities and higher education institutions in Morocco to join their colleagues in other universities across the world through a specialized channel and an active social network that will allow them to link relationships and scientific partnership projects and bridge the gap between Moroccan students and other students from different countries and participate After that, in promoting a culture of peace, tolerance and respect for others (their religions, attitudes, traditions, and beliefs ...), their right to live together without fear, and to reject violent, racist and extremist behaviors.

  • Increasing knowledge on all issues affecting the Moroccan League with all stakeholders at the national and international level and strengthening the views of all actors involved in the development of the Moroccan League.

  • Developing distance education and thus contributing to developing the level of Moroccan students and keeping them abreast of the latest developments in scientific research in all levels and fields.

  • Contributing to the brightening of various university formations paths at the national level and working on introducing them and their future prospects in the job market.

1- The channel's technical and programming strategy

Before embarking on the download of the strategy that we will follow at the channel level, a plan must be drawn up that takes care to organize our progress in achieving this strategy and the established goals, for without it we cannot find the path leading to success.

As the first step we can take to give the channel an opportunity to appear with a supervisor face, we will rely on a scheme that guarantees us the quality of the image, programs at the required level, and live broadcasts that live up to the aspirations of the student in particular and the Moroccan viewer in general who will be the target in the first place, that is, we will make him who recognize Professionally the channel from the following aspects:

1-1 image quality

The channel's dependence on broadcast quality is essential
To prejudge its future, therefore, our first plans are to develop a channel strategy that relies on cameras and modern equipment that enables us to give the Moroccan viewer an opportunity to have it on a high-quality channel that gives him comfort in watching our programs.

1-2 Programs Network

The network of programs is programmed on “www.campusmaroc.tv” on a one-day, week-long, year-round scale.

These programs will be broadcast live on our website campusmaroc.tv and rebroadcast on the channel's YouTube channel.

The network and planning of "campusmaroctv" programs is a key element of our strategy to increase its audience among students.

So it was divided as follows:

Morning time

Between six and nine in the morning

After college

Between five and six in the evening

The first evening period

From six to eight in the evening

The second and third evening period

From eight to ten at night
And from ten to midnight

And this is the period with the greatest number of viewers, where talk shows have been programmed to be broadcast on the channel and YouTube, which students have activated and discuss various intellectual, political, economic and social issues.

Period after midnight

From midnight to six in the morning

Replay of programs that were broadcast live on the channel was programmed

1-3 Media Coverage of University Activities

“Campusmaroc.Tv is an Internet TV channel” that will cover the most important academic and student university activities that aim to enhance the openness of the Moroccan University to the world, as well as allow students to freely express themselves on issues of concern to them that concern the future of democracy and freedom in Morocco. The period of its pilot broadcast covers a group of student and academic activities directly or through media coverage of various activities within the Moroccan universities space and the most important events that characterized the 2015/2016 university season.

4-1 The programs proposed by the Moroccan University channel

The Moroccan University channel proposes a set of direct programs that directly interest students and their relationship with their social and economic surroundings, with the aim of opening the way for students to express their opinions and perceptions on all issues of concern to society in Morocco, which will enable them to communicate their voice to all segments of Moroccan society. In order to unify perceptions about the future of democracy, freedom, social justice, and the rule of the state of right and law in Morocco.

  • Analytical talk shows

Through these programs we will seek to give the opportunity to talk about all intellectual-political-religious-economic and social fields, especially the reality of the Moroccan University and the students' role in achieving the desired change that hovers over many questions that require such programs to put the honorable follower in the real picture of the speaking environment. We will also have to give a full opportunity to students, researchers and specialists in the field of treatment to enrich the discussion more and more. The success of our analytical programs is linked to the competencies and experience of locals, the level of discussion raised, and the nature of the topics to be discussed.

  • Viewer Software:

Just as the analytical programs, we must give the viewer the opportunity to interact with the channel, so the channel has programmed an important space for him from these programs that deal with issues from his angle, so the viewer must feel that he is part of the channel even if it is dedicated to the Moroccan University and its role in its development is similar to its workers, because The viewer has an 'opinion' and he is completely different from the opinion of the channel, so the one who follows it and the stages of the forums that it transmits is the one who sees things from their sharp angles, and often the positives and negatives in a specific field stir his imagination many times, and what is missing is only announcing them, so give him the opportunity to speak and blow up His opinion in front of everyone is the best way we can rely on, together with other means. Therefore, scenes programs are very important to complete the success series.

  • News Bulletins:

The news bulletins of the Moroccan University channel will cover the most important events in the national arena, especially the events and activities of Moroccan universities and higher education in Morocco and its relationship with the future of the rising generations, so news bulletins will be strongly present in the channel.

2- Funding the canal in the medium and long term

After the trial broadcast period, in which the members of the channel’s board of directors bear all the channel’s costs from renting equipment and a temporary headquarters for the channel and paying the wages of the channel’s workers in addition to the rest of the variable expenses. Make sure to the board of directors that the project, and after the great success it has achieved in the pilot broadcast phase, especially Therefore, students in all Moroccan universities that the continuity of the project in the medium term requires significant investment that provides the basic capabilities and means for launching the project in a strong and orderly manner and guarantees administrative stability and financial balance, especially in the first and second years. Therefore, we found it necessary to search for direct funding with international organizations that support Projects of a nature.

3- Channel partnerships

During the period of its operation during the experimental broadcasting phase, the channel was able to link distinct relations and qualitative partnerships with various student factions (whether with an Islamic orientation, left-wing inclination, or other student currents ...) with Moroccan universities and even those whose legal framework is not recognized (such as the representative Moroccan Students Union The first is for students in Morocco), which the channel considered an excellent opportunity for her to discuss her ideas, communicate with other social groups and present her perceptions of the future Morocco, a Morocco in which democracy, freedom and unanimous justice prevail. The channel also considered the channel an opportunity to expose the various negative practices that Moroccan universities suffer and which are reflected Negatively on Moroccan society in general.

The channel’s board of directors also worked on linking a framework for cooperation with various colleges and universities in Morocco, whether with student councils (BDE) or at the level of university administration in order to cover their student activities, as well as enabling students to have a space to communicate and express their views freely and we mention:

  • Hassan II University in Casablanca

  • Cadi Ayyad University, Marrakech

  • Mohammed V University, Rabat

  • Moula Ismail University in Meknes

  • Mawla Suleiman University in Beni Mellal

  • Abdel Malek Saadi University in Tangier

  • Shoaib Doukkali University in Al-Jadida

  • Ibn Zahr University, Agadir

  • University of Sidi Mohamed Ibn Abdullah in Fez

  • University of the villagers of Fez

  • Ibn Tufail University in Kenitra

  • Hassan I University of Settat

  • University of Muhammad I Oujda

  • The International University of Rabat

  • The International University of Casablanca

  • The International University of Agadir

The channel also works to develop its relations with all institutions that share the same ideas, goals and programs with them.

4- The legal framework for the work of the channel

ارتات القناة بعد سنة من العمل في اطار البث التجريبي و ذلك لتفادي ايه معيقات قد تاثر سلبا على عمل القناة على المدى المتوسط و حتى نشكل اطارا قانونيا يحمي العاملين في القناة من أي مضايقة قد تعيق عملهم خاصة في ظل الفراغ القانوني الكبير الذي تعاني منه القنوات التلفزية العاملة عبر الانترنت في المغرب . اضافة الى رغبة اعضاء مجلس ادارة القناة في ضمان استمرارية المشروع في الزمان حتى يحقق اهدافه في المساهمة في التغيير الديمقراطي بالمغرب فقد اتفق مجلس ادارة القناة الى انشاء مؤسسة غير ربحية و مستقلةتحمل اسم  مؤسسة “CAMPUS MAROC”لتحتضن مشروع الفناة بتشكيل مجلس ادارة القناة من طرف الجمعية العمومية ليتولى تدبير شؤون القناة بشكل قانوني أمام كافة السلطات الوطنية و الدولية المتعاونة مع قناة الجامعة المغربية.