Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions for Using the Moroccan University Website


This website is owned and operated by the non-profit and independent organization CAMPUS MAROC. Please carefully review the terms and conditions below as they represent the terms of use for this website. The use and access to the Campus Maroc TV website are governed by the following rules and conditions:

  • General Information
  • Use of Website Content
  • Use of the Website
  • Additional Terms and Instructions Regarding Website Use
  • Terms of Use for Commenting on Pages of the Maroc Campus TV Channel
  • Acceptance of Terms

1 – Introduction and General Information

The Campus Maroc TV website is a news resource operated by the independent non-profit organization CAMPUS MAROC. By using or visiting this website, you acknowledge and agree to these terms and conditions set by CAMPUS MAROC, which may be updated from time to time. Your entry to and participation or downloading materials from the site indicates your acceptance of these terms and conditions. The independent non-profit organization CAMPUS MAROC reserves the right to amend these rules and commits to including all changes in this document. Users of the site are responsible for keeping up with these changes and deciding whether to continue using the site or to discontinue it.

2 – Use of Website Content

All contents of the site (videos, texts, images, etc.) are not to be copied, reproduced, printed, or republished in any form, or used for any other purpose, and are exclusively intended for personal and non-commercial use. Only CAMPUS MAROC has the right to authorize the use of site content.

Requests for permission to use website content should be sent to the following email address: [email protected]

Users are not allowed to modify site content or use it for personal activities. All other uses of site content require written permission from CAMPUS MAROC.

3 – Use of the Website

The website may be used for lawful purposes within the regulations applicable in the Kingdom of Morocco. It should not infringe on or limit the rights of any third party, including harassment, defamation, or using inappropriate and aggressive language. Any other actions considered inappropriate or unlawful are prohibited.

Any actions related to transferring site content or embedding inappropriate material that could disrupt the educational and informational functions of the site are forbidden.

News, names, images, and other elements related to CAMPUS MAROC and its products and services (or those of third parties) are provided as-is on the site.

CAMPUS MAROC and the management of the Campus Maroc TV channel are not responsible for any direct or indirect losses resulting from misuse of the site, inability to use it, loss of content, or failure to gain profit due to negligence or litigation related to the site.

CAMPUS MAROC does not guarantee uninterrupted operation, error-free systems, or the absence of viruses on the site.

Names, titles, images, and logos distinguishing CAMPUS MAROC and the Campus Maroc TV channel or any third parties, as well as their products and services, are owned by CAMPUS MAROC or third parties. Use of these elements on the site does not imply transfer of rights from CAMPUS MAROC or any third party.

By using this site, you agree that you are solely responsible for your use. To the fullest extent permitted by law, CAMPUS MAROC, the Campus Maroc TV channel, its employees, operators, and agents are not responsible for any warranties related to this site, whether express or implied.

Additionally, CAMPUS MAROC and the Campus Maroc TV channel are not responsible for the content of third-party sites linked to or accessed through this site. If you visit any linked site, you assume the risk and responsibility for taking protective measures against viruses and other harmful elements.

4 – Terms of Use for the Commenting Service

Terms of use for the commenting service on CAMPUS MAROC’s pages or social media networks:

We ask all visitors to the Campus Maroc TV channel site to maintain civility and objectivity when posting comments. Please consider the following conditions:

  • Posted comments reflect the opinions of their authors, not our site.
  • Personal attacks, insults, or offensive comments about individuals, religious or political figures, institutions, or organizations are prohibited. Violations will result in immediate and indefinite banning.
  • Posting external links for promotion or unrelated content is prohibited. Such comments will be deleted, and repeated violations will result in banning.
  • Direct or indirect calls for incitement, sectarianism, violence, or murder against any person or entity are prohibited. Violations will result in banning.
  • Repeated comments are not allowed. Repeated posts will be deleted, and further violations will lead to banning.
  • Users are solely responsible for any claims, damages, or legal actions arising from their content on this site.
  • Comments are allowed in Arabic, English, French, Spanish, and Amazigh only. Comments in other languages will be deleted.

To report inappropriate or violating comments, please contact the editorial team at [email protected], including your username and the page link where the violation occurred. The administration will review the matter.

5 – Acceptance of Terms

The above terms are effective from the moment you enter the site. If you do not agree with these terms, please leave the site immediately.